A little something…

I’ve been gone along time but not down for the count. A lot has happened since I’ve last updated this thing. Things are still being worked on very slowly but surely. Here is a little draft animation for Lenny I whipped up for testing purposes, enjoy!

Monster! Kickstarter in the News!

We’re featured in a article on TECHdotMN, check it out.


Kickstarter for Monster! Launched

Hi all,
Well the big news is here! We have launched a big Kickstarter campaign to create our biggest and best game yet called Monster! Please helps us out by pledging or spreading the word for us to make our goal.


Not dead yet…

Hey there, remember us? Yes we haven’t posted for a loooooooong time but that doesn’t mean we’re not doing anything. We are making progress on our next title. The road was longer and harder than we originally thought, but it’s been a learning experience. To tease you a little bit here are process pics of us building the base ground for the game. More to come, enjoy!

Pretty Cool, huh?

Madden 11 iPhone

Many of us have played the Madden series in one form or another. Now it’s comes to the iphone in it’s current 2011 season. Overall it’s a very polished game and it does justice compared to it’s super powered brothers on the consoles and PC. The graphics and animations are great and well done. The Controls are good for a touch based system although it’s hard being precise in running with the virtual stick. The actions buttons on the side are also a little hard to use because you cover most of them up with your thumb. Non the less it’s a very enjoyable game with several modes of play like, exhibition, playoffs, and season which should be enough for someone on a phone! It also employs the gameflow option with is great to progress the game along and not worrying about picking the right play. All in all it’s a great edition to your iphone lineup of games and as of the time of this posting it is on sale for only .99 which is a great buy. Madden 11 for iPhone is this weeks Game of the Week.

Busy. Busy. Busy

Hey everyone!

Just a quick update, we’re not dead. For from the truth, we are busy on all fronts and updates will soon come. There is a possibility of some very cool things heading our way and yours. Until then, peace.

Arkham Asylum

OK Batman fans, this game came out a while ago but I had to name it Game of the Week. There have been many, many Batman games on all different consoles but none have come close to the level of Batman immersion that Arkham Asylum does. Incredible graphics, incredible voice talent from the animated series, and a brilliant combat system. For the first time you really feel like your Batman, moving and fighting with ease. This really is a blend of the animated series and the Dark Knight. If you are at all a fan of Batman you need to play this game, seriously a AAA title.

Our First Review

MagniMatch has it’s first review via the website iphone4kids.net. Check it out here.

Based on the feedback we’ve been given we’ll be updating the app soon to make it even better. Thanks for the feedback and keep it coming.

MagniMatch Video

Just uploaded a video that gives the basic walk through of the application. Pass it along to all those who want to take a look before they buy.

Real Racing – Close to Perfection

If you haven’t seen or played Firemint’s Real Racing game for the iPhone and now for the iPad is a real gem. As close as your going to get to playing a console quality game in the palm of your hands. The controls are spectacular and precise, with an automatic baking system (which you can adjust) allows to you to focus on driving and not worry about your finger placement. Along with pretty incredible graphics and sound, this winning combination makes it our game of the week. Give it a spin, you won’t be disappointed. [App Store]